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RIAA Commemorates New Montgomery Gentry Gold & & Platinum Songs



[[{“value”:”Presents Certifications to Eddie Montgomery for “Hell Yeah,” “My Town” & “Something To Be Proud Of” Pictured (L-R): Eddie Montgomery, Erin D. D…. Read More »
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Provides Accreditations to Eddie Montgomery for
” Hell Yeah,” “My Town” & &” Something To Be Happy With”

Visualized (L-R): Eddie Montgomery, Erin D. D. Burr ( RIAA), Angie Gentry, Bryan Frasher ( Traffic Signal Management), Jackie Jones ( RIAA) && Fletcher Lyon ( Traffic Signal Management)

Credit: TenSight Medi a

NASHVILLE, TN ( June 7, 2024)– Last night, the Recording Market Association of America ® ( RIAA) SVP, Media Relations + Gold & & Platinum Program Erin D. D. Burr and SVP, Artist & & Market Relations Jackie Jones shocked Eddie Montgomery, along with the late Troy Gentry’s spouse Angie Gentry and Traffic signal Management group Bryan Frasher and Fletcher Lyon, with plaques honoring Platinum “Something To Be Happy with,” plus Gold ” Hell Yeah” and “My Town” songs launched through Columbia Nashville. The minute was an emphasize for the jam-packed crowd of fans participating in “ Montgomery Gentry including Eddie Montgomery: Commemorating 25 Years” with unique visitors Caleb Lee Hutchinson, Allie Colleen and Individual Retirement Account Dean at 3rd & & Lindsley. The brand-new accreditations raise Montgomery Gentry’s brochure to 7.5 million sales and streaming equivalents in the United States alone. RIAA likewise revealed appreciation for Eddie’s assistance in securing others’ voices and images– in addition to Montgomery Gentry’s tradition– through current discussion with policymakers about the effect of AI on the music neighborhood and beyond. Watch here

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Singer-Actor FKA branches & & Warner Music Group CEO Robert Kyncl Supporter for Voice & & Similarity Defenses at Senate Judiciary Hearing




[[{“value”:”Federal Guardrails Against Deceptive AI-Generated Deepfakes and Voice Clones Gains Momentum in Key Senate Subcommittee
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Federal Guardrails Versus Misleading AI-Generated Deepfakes and Voice Clones Gains Momentum in Secret Senate Subcommittee

Visualized (L-R): Warner CEO Robert Kyncl & & FKA branches share impactful individual testament

FKA branches affirms on behalf of voice and similarity approval relating to AI

Warner Music Group CEO Robert Kyncl uses viewpoint to Senate Committee

WASHINGTON, DC ( April 30, 2024) — Vocalist, songwriter, manufacturer, dancer & & star Tahliah Debrett Barnett (“ FKA branches“) and Warner Music Group CEO Robert Kyncl shared effective testament throughout a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Copyright hearing previously today in the country’s capital about the significance of guardrails to safeguard a person’s voice and similarity along with the obligation of tech platforms as expert system (AI) quickly develops. The conversation concentrated on the bipartisan Support Originals, Foster Art, and Keep Home Entertainment Safe (NO PHONIES) Act — a proposition presented by Senators Chris Coons, Marsha Blackburn, Amy Klobuchar, and Thom Tillis that would provide federal securities versus using non-consensual digital duplications in audiovisual works or sound recordings for all Americans.

Multi-hyphenate skill, FKA branches throughout acknowledged the significance of approval from the specific whose being is the really essence of this innovation. ” The reality that someone might take my voice, modification lyrics, modification messaging or deal with an artist that I didn’t, it actually leaves me really susceptible. If legislation isn’t put in location to safeguard artists, not just will we let artists who actually appreciate what we do– that have actually invested a very long time establishing themselves– however it would likewise indicate that fans would not have the ability to rely on individuals that they have actually invested a lot of years purchasing.”

In reaction to claims that deepfakes of living or departed individuals are required for filmmaking, FKA branches described, ” I believe the issue is, if you have the ability to utilize an artist’s voice and similarity without approval about their life story, you’re offering the impression that it’s the equivalent of an autobiography, rather a bio … which’s a confusion. If you have the ability to utilize my voice and my precise face, [then] a group of authors in Hollywood that wish to over dramatize things and make it more awful or fantastical, that’s what makes me actually worried, uneasy and susceptible. If it’s a star, we understand to take it with a pinch of salt. If it is the individual themself, then it simply feels too clear and unfair.”

Notified by his previous experience as a magnate at YouTube and Netflix, Kyncl spoke from deep understanding and regard for both innovation and developers and required clear guardrails for AI. “ Through AI, it is really simple for somebody to impersonate me and trigger all way of havoc. They might talk to an artist in a manner that might damage our relationship or state incorrect things that would harm our service.”

Kyncl summarized, “the fact is, everybody is susceptible.”

In a watershed minute, in reaction to questioning from Senator Mazie Hirono, all witnesses present consisting of those requiring modifications or limitations to the proposed legislation concurred that Congress must enact brand-new securities for people’ voices and images.

Attending to complimentary expression issues, SAG-AFTRA National Executive Director & & Chief Mediator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland included, ” I am worried that we are just taking a look at one side of the First Modification factor to consider here. The opposite is the right that each people needs to our own flexibility of speech to be able to interact our concepts, to associate ourselves with concepts that we wish to so and not be related to concepts we disagree with– that is being actually stomped on by this unconfined capability of individuals without a federal right.”

Senator Tillis stated, “ I’m pleased that we’re using up this costs. I do feel highly we ought to do whatever we can to attempt and move it in this Congress.”

RIAA Chairman & & CEO Mitch Glazie r praised the Committee’s thoughtful evaluation of the NO FAKES Act conversation draft. “ Today’s hearing sets the table for swift and strong action by Congress to safeguard every American from unconsented deepfakes and voice clones. Engaging, individual testament from both FKA branches, Warner CEO Robert Kyncl, and SAG-AFTRA National Director & & Chief Mediator Duncan Crabtree-Ireland made a frustrating case for brand-new legislation safeguarding developers’ incomes and tradition and offering all of us the power to stop bad stars from utilizing our voices and images to create violent deepfakes.”

At today’s hearing, Chairman Coons revealed strategies to complete and officially present the NO FAKES Act this summertime. Together with your home No AI Scams Act, both chambers are now progressing with nationwide steps to safeguard people’ voice and similarity rights.

Kyncl’s op-ed released today in The Hill, entitled 4 Guidelines To Make Expert System Work For People even more set out the significance of Authorization, Money Making, Attribution and Provenance as AI is established. He revealed, ” These propositions would develop clear guideline, assisting to avoid a world where AI can proper an individual’s identity without their approval. This would likewise have a ‘halo impact,’ assisting to suppress false information, identity theft, and hate-fueled material.”

Watch The NO FAKES Act: Safeguarding Americans from Unauthorized Digital Replicas hearing here

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RIAA Addresses IP Protections in USTR’S 2024 Unique 301 Report




[[{“value”:”“The 2024 Special 301 Report provides a vital snapshot of the environment for music creators globally as well as a critical blueprint for US engagement with countries around the world to support them,” commented RIAA Chairman & CEO Mitch Glazier. 
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WASHINGTON, DC ( April 25, 2024) — Today, the United States Trade Agent (USTR) provided its yearly Unique 301 Report relating to deficiencies of copyright and other kinds of copyright (IP) securities in specific nations. The Report examines the existing legal, regulative, judicial, and enforcement actions on IP in those nations and recognizes the effect on United States music developers while likewise highlighting systemic concerns for United States federal government engagement to advance imagination worldwide. Amongst the cross-cutting concerns that show the music neighborhood’s input into the Unique 301 procedure, USTR Ambassador Katherine Tai acknowledged the important value of American developers’ contributions to United States tasks and financial development, keeping in mind Stakeholders from both unions and business in the imaginative sectors have actually highlighted the value of copyright defense and enforcement to their incomes and companies.”

” The 2024 Unique 301 Report offers an essential photo of the environment for music developers worldwide in addition to a vital plan for United States engagement with nations around the globe to support them, commented RIAA Chairman && CEO Mitch Glazier ” We value acknowledgment of uncomfortable patterns in many areas that would hurt the American music neighborhood, consisting of constraints on streaming rights, inadequate enforcement, and stream-ripping piracy, and the recognition of favorable advancements relating to copyright defense and enforcement. We motivate the United States Federal government in future Reports to resolve appropriate copyright defense in the context of AI as dedicated to by President Biden in the G7, and to oppose broad exceptions consisting of text and information mining. We likewise advise the United States Federal government to engage with nations based on continuous trade examinations, and to resolve deeply bothersome propositions on copyright and agreement matters, especially in South Africa.”

” We thank Ambassador Tai and the whole interagency group for their vigorous deal with this essential procedure. RIAA highly supports the United States Federal government’s extensive technique to promoting American developers globally, consisting of through existing and future IP discussions with the European Union, India and the UK.”

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Matthew West Shares ‘My Story Your Glory (Expanded Edition)’




Today (Nov 3), Matthew West shares My Story Your Glory (Expanded Edition). The additional tracks feature collaborations with Anne Wilson, Cochren & & Co., daughter Lulu West, and Micah Tyler.

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